Terms & Conditions,

Privacy Policy and

Intellectual Property


Swasthya is a community of individuals comprising wellness seekers, learners, enthusiasts and coaches (‘Swasthya’ or ‘Community’). Swasthya stands for the belief that ‘prevention is better than cure, and is actively engaged in the quest to improve Swasthya by following time-tested principles of health and well-being. The Community, in that endeavour, provides information and solutions on their website available at: https://www.swasthyawarriors.com, by way of webinars, workshops, and training (collectively referred to as the ‘Platform’). The Community also offers individual consultations, diet plans, lifestyle plans, exercise regimes, workout sessions and [any other bespoke programs offered] through their health wellness coaches (collectively referred to as the ‘Programs’).

The Community does not represent itself to be medical practitioners or health professionals. The Community or the Platform does not render any medical advice or diagnosis or treatment. The content on the Platform, including text, graphics, images, illustrations, etc., as well as the Programs provided by the Community are only for general information on health and wellness, and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from medical practitioners or health professionals.

The solutions offered on the Platform and through Programs are based on the information available in the public domain and the personal experience of the individuals comprising the Community. The Community does not make any representation and assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the said information. It is expressly stated that the Community does not endorse any specific tests, physicians, products or procedures to the Users of the Platform and/ or the Programs.

The Community expressly disclaims all and any liability for any loss, whether personal or otherwise, occasioned to any User by acting or refraining from acting based on the information and solutions on the Platform or through the Programs offered by the Community, whether as a direct or indirect consequence thereof. It is clarified that the Community shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or other damages relating to the use of the said information and solutions on the Platform or through the Programs.

The Users of the Platform and the Programs confirm that by accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Platform, or participating in the Programs offered by the Community, they have reviewed and consented to this Disclaimer, as well as agreed to the terms and conditions of the Platform. If the User disagrees with any part of this Disclaimer, they should immediately discontinue access or use of the Platform and participation in the Programs.

The Users of the Platform and the Programs understand and acknowledge that the information and solutions offered by the Community are provided for general information only. The Platform and the Programs Users further acknowledge that the information and solutions offered should not be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice or professional consultation with a qualified healthcare provider.

The Users understand that they are voluntarily using the Platform and participating in the Programs and that reliance on the information and solutions offered is solely at their own discretion, risk and responsibility.

The Users of the website undertake and understand that they are required to consult with their physical, medical practitioner or health care provider regarding any medical condition or disorder or health-related issues, before undertaking any of the physical activities or exercises or diet plans or any other dietary changes, which may be recommended by the Community, whether on the Platform or through the Programs. No guarantee or responsibility shall be taken by the Community for any results or adverse effects or any kind of injury to the body in this regard.

The Users further acknowledge that the blogs and testimonials published on the Platform are strictly based on the views, opinions, and experiences of the writers, do not constitute an endorsement by the Community or intend to guarantee or represent the Community. The Community does not take any responsibility for the statements and the comments in the blogs and testimonials which are published on the Platform.

Notwithstanding anything, the liability, if any, of the Community, shall be limited to and shall not, under any circumstances (and whether for breach of contract, or in tort, or otherwise), exceed the fee, as applicable, actually paid to the Community, for the Programs.

Privacy Policy

a. Data Collection.

i. Voluntary Data Collection. Swasthya collects information that you provide to us under various circumstances, including when you complete a form, enroll in a course, join a Facebook group, enter a promotion, enroll in the Coach network, or otherwise communicate with Swasthya. That information may include your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, gender, age, payment information, and any other information you provide or display in that circumstance.

ii. Automatic Data Collection. Swasthya also collects information when you visit any of our Sites or learning platforms. That information may include information about your device, IP address and general physical location derived from it, nature of phone service, referring URL’s,, operating system, browser type, link clicks and page visits, interactions with video players, tools, and widgets.

iii. Use of Data. Swasthya uses information about you for various legitimate interests, including helping Swasthya to detect and prevent fraud; improve network security; provide, maintain and improve the Sites and learning platforms; process transactions; personally communicate with you; improve your user and learning experience; improve our advertising and marketing efforts; facilitate promotions; to contact users about programs or courses for which they have expressed interest; to distinguish adults from minors, and for other legitimate interests. Information about you will be maintained only as long as necessary to serve Swasthya’s legitimate interests. If at any time, you want to update or correct your information or would like us to restrict or discontinue using your information, you can contact us at Swasthyaadmin@wellnessquotient.community. Note that, in some cases, a request to restrict or discontinue the use of your information may prevent you from continuing to enjoy certain products or services.

iv. Disclosure of Data. From time to time, Swasthya may also share some of your information with our business partners to operate and improve the Sites and learning platforms, to process payments, transmit emails, conduct promotions, host and protect data, manage ads, offer technical and customer support, and for other legitimate interests. For example, if you opt-in to receive Swasthya marketing materials or other promotional items, Swasthya may provide your information to third parties entrusted with fulfilling those requests. You may opt-out of receiving those and other emails from Swasthya at any time through the unsubscribe or manage preference link included in such emails.

Swasthya also discloses information when required to do so by law, or when Swasthya in good faith believes such action is necessary to protect the property or rights of Swasthya, third parties or the public at large.

b. Use of "Cookies."

1st Party Cookies

A “cookie” is a small text file placed on a user’s computer used to store information about the user. Swasthya may use cookies to track the pages that users to the Site visit during their online session, for marketing and advertising purposes, to help Swasthya improve users’ experiences, and/or to help Swasthya understand how the Site is being used.

Users who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computers should disable cookies through their web browser settings, with the understanding that disabling cookies may diminish a user’s experience on the Site and that certain features of the Site may not function properly without the aid of cookies. Cookies are not harmful and cannot introduce viruses or extract PII.

3rd Party Cookies

Swasthya may allow third-party companies to set and access their own cookies. Such “third party cookies” are used to collect data about the Site’s traffic, for statistical analysis about the advertisements on the Site and to further customize and enhance a user’s experience on the Site. Third-party cookies may also be used for traffic and conversion analysis and/or remarketing purposes, which may include, inter alia, promoting display ads based upon users’ past behaviour, showing Swasthya ads across the Internet and providing reporting on users’ interactions with our ad services. Swasthya does not control third-party cookies and third-party cookies are not governed by this Privacy Policy, but rather are governed by the privacy policy of the third party companies.

Users may choose to opt-out of or disable third party cookies. Advertisers may allow users to opt-out of ads by visiting their websites and customizing the user’s ad settings.

c. Assignment of Rights. In the event of an assignment, sale, joint venture, or other transfer of some or all of Swasthya’s assets, you agree Swasthya may assign, sell, license or transfer any information that you have provided to us.

Intellectual Property

Any unauthorized use of any material contained on the Sites or learning platforms may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. Swasthya monitors the use of its intellectual property may seek legal action against any infringing parties.

Refund Policy

All events conducted by Swasthya are 100% refundable without any questions asked. We would love to give you a full refund for the amount you paid in case you are not satisfied with your experience. You can write an email to admin@swasthyawarriors.com and we will be more than happy to help you with it.

If you are a contributing member of the community and would like to discontinue your participation, please send an email to admin@swasthyawarriors.com with your Swasthya code and personal details like name, email, mobile no as also the reason for discontinuation and your subscription shall be discontinued from the next cycle. There shall be no refund for the time that you have agreed to use the services, events, data, material that you agreed to use with the express permission of Swasthya, whether you used the intellectual property or not.