New Year Resolutions

The tradition of new year resolutions started in the West and has since become a practice the world over. It is the time of the year when people make a decision to change over a new leaf, get rid of old bad habits, accomplish a personal goal or improve the overall quality of life. As with most traditions, new year resolutions also have their origin in religion. People used to pray to their gods to return objects they had borrowed or repay their debts on this day. The Romans would begin the new year by making promises to the god Janus after whom the month of January is named.

Why make new year resolutions?

Most people find it difficult to remain consistent in their actions when things go wrong which is why the new year provides a welcome respite to take stock of one’s situation. It is a new beginning, a ray of hope which gives us the chance to start over and overcome the obstacles faced in the previous year. 

Therefore, what the new year will bring to us depends as much on what we will bring to the new year. An optimist will look forward to resolving setbacks, making amends to improve and better him or herself while the pessimist will count down to the last hour, wishing it all to be over with no positive outlook for the new year. 

A new year resolution is made and fulfilled only by those who learn from their mistakes and have the resolve to follow through for the rest of the 364 days. It is just the first chapter of the book which we will write in the course of the year and, by making a new year resolution, we set the right tone and agenda for our actions.

Is your new year resolution measurable?

Some of the most common new year resolutions revolve around self-improvement and health. “I want to be fitter and healthier in the new year”, “I wish to quit smoking in the new year”, “I want to lose weight”, “I want to cut down on my drinking” etc. are common refrains. Many make a long list of things they wish to do which can go up to 10 or more action points, all of which never get accomplished. 

An effective new year resolution must have measurable goals in its statement so that one can evaluate the success rate at the end of the year. Instead of making generalised or sweeping statements like, ‘I wish to find myself in the new year” or “I want to make my family happy”, it would be much more constructive to be specific about our resolutions. For example, a well-defined new year resolution would be: “My fitness goal for 2022 is to be able to run 10 kms by the end of the year” or “I want to lose 15 kilos by July 2022 and maintain it for the rest of the year” or “I will make my family happier by being home from work by 8 pm and plan a holiday together in 2022”. 

Actionable points in a new year resolution help us achieve our goals. Each of us has at least one area of improvement that needs to be addressed or else, a person without a new year resolution would have to be perfect! Let’s make ourselves accountable, let’s set realistic, measurable goals and let’s renew and rejuvenate ourselves with our new year resolutions.

My new year resolution

Every year I make resolutions around health as it is the most important aspect of my life. I like to compare my current wellbeing, both mental and physical, with the previous year’s which has helped me greatly in maintaining my fitness levels. In 2022, I wish to learn Kallaripayattu to improve my strength and flexibility. All my life I have exercised freestyle and never trained formally in any discipline or sport so this Keralan martial artform will test my mind and body in ways they have never been before. 

So, make sure you have a thought-through new year resolution that will help you realise your best year ever. Remember to translate the new year resolution to daily resolutions because without proper implementation, your resolution is just an empty statement, a bunch of meaningless words. Only your actions every day of the new year will bear testimony to your resolve and determination to make your resolution come true. 

Wishing you all a very happy new year full of love, health and happiness!

-Dipshikha Chaliha


